April 3, 2017 |
Food & Wine Pairings |
A to Z Wineworks
A to Z Beehive Spritzer Cocktail
A to Z Beehive Cocktail Spritzer
featuring the A to Z Oregon Riesling
3 oz. A to Z Wineworks Oregon Riesling
2 oz. Freshly squeezed ruby red grapefruit juice
2 dashes Thai Chili Bitters
1 pinch fresh Basil, muddled
A splash of soda water
1. In a cocktail shaker, mix the Riesling, freshly squeezed ruby red grapefruit juice, Thai chili bitters and basil with ice vigorously for 30 seconds.
2. Carbonate with a splash of soda water (or a soda stream if you have one).
3. Pour over ice to serve.